Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Votre Humble Président

Many readers have asked, "Who is this Président of the Academie who fills our computer mailbox with such marvelous and numerous messages email and blog posts?"

So many of you wish to speak directly to me, to say merci!, to ... well, perhaps not all wishes should be expressed out loud.

Ah, dear reader, I wish I could reveal my true identity. Hopefully I can someday do so.

For now, I must thank Monsieur CampyOnlyGuy for graciously providing the means to bring you news of the Mars Madness contest.

Anonyme though I must be, I will continue to work diligently to provide you with information and inspiration as you prepare to ride so many miles in Mars.

Although the weather here is somewhat inclément (but perhaps I reveal too much!), my spirits are high. I remain committed to the Academie's principles of Vérité, la Beauté et la Bicyclette.

Bonne route, bonne chance, and bonne photographie!

Président del l'Academie de Mars Madness Photographie